It seems that the blog is the way to go, so here is my attempt at starting my own. My blog will mostly be about running since it's what I love. I started running March 2004 because I was too impatient to walk and have been hooked ever since. Through the course of almost 2 years, I have run several 5K's, 10K's, my first 10 miler, 1/2 marathon and finally a full marathon last year. I love to race, if only they were all free!
I'm currently making my schedule to run my second 1/2 marathon April 29, 2006 and it's the Country Music Marathon in Nashville, TN. I will officially start training for it in February, but for now am establishing my base mileage which is between 30-35 miles/week.
Woo Hoo, Welcome Weebs!
Thanks for the really nice comment, I can't wait to see what you do with the place. If you need any help at all, just let me know. Sometimes html can be tricky, but it looks like you're getting the hang of it! ;)
Thanks Jen. I AM having a problem with posting my pic in my profile. I know how to post a pic with a message, but not in my profile. I've done what I'm supposed to do via instructions, but it keeps going to another file I created that I don't use. Maybe I need to delete the other one.
Hi Lisa, This is a wonderful site for you to report upon your running and other activities. Good Luck, 5K
Weebs, I had that same problem. Took forever. I'll see if I can figure out what I did.
I think finally, I just got one from a folder in my computer. Blogspot is host to picassa, and I think for that reason (ONLY) they try to get you to use it, but you don't have to at all.
Try just browsing your computer for a pic and see if it will take it. :)
I did all that. Trust me. I even had my guru computer friend with me last night trying to figure it out. I think I may write something to the moderators of this. It seems I read something where they wanted hints on how to make things easier. This would be one of them.
Hey! HI! Welcome Weebs. I was directed to your blog by Jen. I just started mine in November. Jen had me singing "weebles wobble but they don't fall down". Well, *I* am not a weeble, then. But I started running in Oct 2004 and completed my first 5K in Dec 2004. From there, a few more 5Ks, 2 10Ks, and a Half Marathon (not in that order). I was injured afrer the Half and couldn't run for 8-9 weeks. It was THEN I realized how much I really love running. I'm now training for my first marathon. After being set back a bit with sprained ankle, I am training for this big race in April. Welcome.
BTW: you must elaborate on "Weebs"...
The story behind my nickname takes me back to 6th grade when I used to play on the boys side of the school because the girls were playing silly girl games. The boys were much more fun. I played football with them and was either the quarterback or one of the receivers.
As the story goes they would have a hard time catching me because I would wriggle out of their grasps(still do actually):-). Somebody started saying Weebles wobble but they don't fall down, like the commercial back then and the rest is history.
That was the last year that I was as good or better than my male counterparts. They started developing muscles as I became softer. Little did I know, through my frustrations at the time, that eventually that would be a good thing. ;-)
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