Friday, April 14, 2006


Whew! What's with the unusually hot weather? Did we even have a spring or have we gone to summer already?

I had my last midweek long run of 8 miles Wednesday of this week and I can tell that this body needs a taper. I ran a 4 mile recovery Thursday and it felt like I was crawling, but the HR was up there.

My last long run of 15 miles before I taper for the CMM 1/2 is tomorrow. I'm probably not going to get out until around 9 a.m. I suppose it will be unseasonably hot then too, but I guess that's good training for warmer temps in Nashville. My thick-blooded body is rebelling

Since my mileage is up in the 40's, I'm not really sure how much to taper. I've basically been going by my own schedule.

I can't wait until two weeks from this weekend. Trigal, are you ready?

1 comment:

Danielle said...

I've been wondering that too about the weather...had some nice days and then hot and some humidity and it's felt gross...but I am not complaining, I'll take it over cold!! As you saw, I dress warm even on days most people are wearing shorts!! I was not born to the right climate!!