Thursday, April 20, 2006

Here I am!

Okay, so I've been a little nonexistent lately. I can't help it. Things have been very crazy for me lately. I'm still doing little things here and there to the house when I can afford them. I should have the house ready to sell by the end of May. Now if I can only get my husband to sign those divorce papers. Oh, that's right....I have to be able to FIND him first! JERK! And to make matters worse, he not only has dropped off the face of the earth, the last child support payment I received was 3 wks. ago and was postmarked Las Vegas, NV!!! Alright, I'm done venting now about that.

It's a good thing that I've never minded change because that's all my life has been about lately....change. I seem to be able to take it in stride. Maybe it has something to do with my personal life and loving the job I have now. Things in those two areas couldn't be better.

Running is still going well. I have begun my two week taper prior to CMM 1/2. I have a 10K race on Sunday on a flat, fast course that I ran last year in 52something. My goal this year is under 50. I know I can do it....I KNOW IT!!!!
I'm pretty excited about it. I don't feel as if I'm ready for CMM yet. I'm ready as far as running it...just not as far as packing and getting there. Have you seen the frickin' price of gas here? $2.95?????!!!!! What's up with that? What, did the oil rigs all shut down? If I could only find a way to use my garbage for fuel. Now THAT would be nice!

I'll try to be more consistent with my blogging, but what with working more hours and having busy nights and weekends....well...let's just say it's probably not going to change soon.

Ciao for now!!


Andy Emerson said...

You've been busy lately! Fixing up and selling a house, working, and running.

Yikes, gas is $2.79/gal here or maybe it's went up in the last hour? All I can say is I'm glad we now have a Prius.

Keep running. You are doing great!

Danielle said...

We are at 2.85 as of yesterday or the day sucks...something really needs to be done about it. I did some figuring on how much it's gone up and how fast and it's so outrageous...

Anyway, tapering, glad I'm not there yet. I think I'm having plans to go see the state track meet during mine though. I don't know if that's good or bad!!

kay_elle said...

Hey there girl! Gas here is 3.05 a gallon. It's about ridiculous! Good luck at CMM & in your ever changing life, I'm here for ya.
