Saturday, January 07, 2006

Tough long run

Today I set out to run 12 miles and only made 10. It's all I could do to finish the 10. I had stopped at a friend's house to chat for a bit and when I started back out I hadn't realized how late it was and how chilled I had become until I started up running again. By mile 8 I almost had to call my friend to pick me up and take me home. But I suffered through the 2 mile low glycemic crash and chowed when I got home. Next time I'll eat more carbs before setting out.


TriZilla said...

Yowzers! Weebs, you need to take gu with you when you run! I'm glad you made it safely home though.

Mine was tough too. I started wondering what the heck I was thinking to do a marathon when 9 miles was tough, tough, tough.

Then again, if it were easy, everyone would be doing it, right?

Lace Up And Run said...

Hey Jen. I figured it out after much searching and reading. Woohoo!

TriZilla said...

Woo hoooo!!! Way to go, it looks great!