Friday, March 28, 2008

Almost without pain

I can say that as of today, I hardly have any pain from my cracked ribs when I run. It's been almost 4 weeks since the accident so it's coming along well.

I have succumbed to running every other day. The other days I walk. It just takes alot more stress off me. Sometimes if I run every day my body starts to rebel. I can tell I'm running more again because my appetite has picked up once again. Damn, where did I put the lock for the frig?

Now it's time to start picking up the mileage.


Danielle said...

Ah yeah...I wish my appetite would drop off when I'm not running (never seems to die!!). Glad you're able to get out there again without too much pain on a semi regular basis.

Brooke said...

Late in responding, but....

Glad you are all better. Life is actually fun again!!